Sunday, August 21, 2011

Benefits of a plant based diet

This website - has lots of interesting short videos based on scientific publications about the benefits of a plant based diet - how a plant based diet can slow cancer growth, slow aging, avoid brain parasites, etc. If you are interest in facts and figures or just overall health in general this site can help.

Slowing cancer growth on a plant based diet

Do you know fish and processed meat ages our DNA?

Something disgusting about milk

Brain parasites in meat
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Monday, August 15, 2011

Veg posts needed for "my city cuisine"

My city cuisine is a free-resource, wiki project with the goal of helping travelers discover local foods from all over the world, raise cultural awareness and preserve traditions in a world that's constantly changing.

They are currently looking for contributors and you can add on the types of vegetarian and vegan food in your area to the site

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fish is not vegetarian

A picture for the weekend...

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why are some vegans so angry?

One thing about being a vegan is that you may improve the compassion towards animals yet be an angry person. Sounds a little paradoxical. But yes, there are some angry vegans, including myself. Hey! We are suppose to help contribute to a more peaceful world by reducing the hate in the world with less killing of animals, but now we are adding on to it instead. Why did it turn out this way?

Why are we angry? Angry because the world continues to use animals without end, people trying to put you down because of your diet, people who treat animals cruelly, people who simply shrug their shoulders and chomp into their burgers even when informed about vegetarian benefits... we can even be angry with people who try to encourage us to eat meat out of concern of our health.

So we make justifications to prove our point to let them understand, sometimes to the point that people start to find us judgmental, condescending, inflexible, preachy and hold an all-knowing and "I am morally superior" attitude. It could be that sometimes they are right about us, but sometimes, they aren't. In both situations, no way they are going to go veg if they see us that way.

Some people put this angry energy into action - through certain forms of activism, it could be legal, it could be illegal. But hate is not going to go far even though it may seem to help at first. Eventually even supporters become tired and angry, and they just want some peace.

There are ways to work on this, to transform that anger and yet continue to do activism / promote veganism. One thing I've learned is not to hold any expectations or insist that things or people HAVE to be in a certain manner. Don't hold on to the "Vegan is right, meat is wrong" mindset so tightly. Even though we believe veganism is the ideal way of living, others may not. And we can't change them, only they can change themselves. If we cling to this mindset too tightly, we become very tense. Then just a single remark that seems to put veganism as not so ideal or someone who doesn't fall into this ideal will be the breaking point.

Let it go, let it be. Let nature takes its course. When the time is right, they will give up animal products on their own accord. Meanwhile we do what we can to "promote our medicine" by being a living example, doing activism, etc. and share with people when they want to know more.
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Raw Man and Green Girl 2

Raw man and green girl meet frankenfood

Episode 1 here
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Letting kids interact with animals positively

I wished there is such a place in Singapore and all the children will be brought there to interact with the animals on a field trip! Kids are not brain-washed with all the stuff in our world yet, so when the right things are taught to them, they can accept it more readily. Very importantly - they should be taught the right concepts that animals are like us - love happiness and hate suffering. Not those "What are animals used for?", "horses are meant for us to ride", "cows are here to give us milk", "chickens are meant for KFC" and "sheep will give us wool" kind of rubbish. Most of the kids here grew up only seeing dead pigs, dead chickens and dead ducks unfortunately. Even if they go to the zoo, they don't teach them to the right connection with the animals - not when the kids are served dead animals for meals.

If you have a kid, please take all care to educate him or her the right way - to love animals, and not to eat or use them, just like how the little boy is taught in the video below.
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