This is really strange. Vegetarians and serial killers just don't go hand in hand. And yet, this guy fits both description. Some newspapers reported that he murdered his 7th victim just because he didn't want to stop eating non-vegetarian food, while others said he didn't want to wash the plates after eating fish. I really do not understand how one can not be kind to humans when they are kind to animals.
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4 years ago
Well, Hitler was vegetarian. But yes, admittedly it is strange. It's possible to find a logic though, there are just too many humans on this planet and an environmentally inclined person might conclude that reducing the numbers a little would be a good thing, and of course starting from those who don't appear to care how much they spoil the planet. Don't take that as encouragement to go killing people though, heheh.
I thought I read that Hitler wasnt a vegetarian?
P/S: previous post is by me too
Well, the same link explains that he wasn't exactly a vegetarian. He seems to have wanted it, and to have followed the diet on occasions, during periods. That would make him an occasional vegetarian. Is that a vegetarian ?
Ok, perhaps he wasn't a complete vegetarian then, I don't know, I had just heard claims about it and it seemed fitting.
Hitler was NOT a vegetarian! This is a myth that should be put to death a.s.a.p.
Get used to it: they can. The human mind has an "us/them" mechanism that can categorize anything however it suits it. Even a relatively normal person can categorize wild animals into the "us/innocent" category and the average mother of two who eats beef into the "them/deserves to die" category.
Sadly, the notion that veg*nism will put an end to violence and cruelty among humans is an unfounded myth partially based on misinterpreted research, mistaking a proposed symptom for a cause. (Look up the MacDonald Triad.)
Humans are ugly.
It's not that surprising.
It's certainly no reason to go killing people (I prefer brain washing to be honest), but it does give a fair reason to why someone might WANT to.
I'd like to perhaps shed some light on the confusion some of you appear to be having.
Animals don't really bother you unless you bother them or tresspass on their territory.
Humans on the other hand (not all, but some) can be cruel, greedy (for want of a better word) cunts who would think nothing of giving you a hard time for no reason other than to make them feel better about their own insecurities.
We all know that one person in high school who never caused any harm, but always seemed to be at the bottom of the pecking order when it came to abuse.
Society can be a real cunt to people who really don't deserve it.
Now imagine this if you can, said person happens to like animals.
Simple as that.
Not too hard to understand is it?
Death to humans.
hahaha, why the hell not? millions of people are absolutely horrible towards animals, who are completely innocent, helpless, and loving creatures, but are nice to people, who are mostly bitchy, brutal, and disgusting. Hitler, Manson, Bundy, and Ramirez were all rumored to be partially vegetarian.
Hitler's chef said that his favorite food was pheasant... also he ate fish. Last time I checked, neither are vegetables.
According to these transcripts dated November 11, 1941, Hitler said, "One may regret living at a period when it's impossible to form an idea of the shape the world of the future will assume. But there's one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegetarian." Who knows whether or not this was propaganda. But Pol Pot, Charles Manson, and Adam Lanza were. I am a psychologist. Studies show vegans are more prone to mental illness. Not because of the diet, because individuals with instability are drawn to extremes.
First of all, not all animals are territorial. Second of all, even animals that are won't readily bother you for trespassing. Larger predators tend to be have large territories, which they roam. The fact that they are predators though, mean they certainly will bother you for other reasons than their territoriallity. Lions and tigers and perfectly fine stalking and eating human prey, we're slow and weak, we're practically asking to get killed. We fuck with everything because we can eat everything, and are adapted specifically to eating pretty much everything except cellulose. We are omnivores. That is why we eat everything, not for the sake of murdering animals but because we literally evolved that way. It's obvious this person has no idea what they are talking about.
I haven't read all the comments, but I read the first question. So I apologise if someone has already said what I have said.
The problem is, and I feel that the person who has started this thread, is looking at a serial killer in their own way of thinking, ie. you are vegan as you have empathy for all animals, so therefore, perhaps you are thinking that a serial killer also has empathy for animals, and that's the reason why they are vegetarian or vegan.
However, when you have worked with, or have had a past relationship with a person with psychopathic traits, like I have (I worked with some people who had been in Broodmoor for a while).
You have to view their actions from their world view. And I have found, unfortunately, that veganism is a popular between people who need to interrogate back into the community. Because, unfortunately, it is used in various ways. One is to appear to others that they have a high standard of morals, and they know, people would naturally assume, if someone cannot and will not eat any meat and has a very high moral standard about this, people will naturally assume they will be safe around this person.
Two, when people get into a relationship with these people, any mistake or flaw that they have will be highlighted by their psychopathic lover and their lover will remind them that they are moral morally superior than her emphatic partner and will use real evidence such as veganism as an example.
When these types of people are not in a relationship, they will spend their time trolling the internet finding other vegans (not meat eaters), but other vegans and highlight anything, any slight thing that goes against being as good a vegan as they are, such as someone might mention they have donated a bit of money to a animal charity who is advocating for the welfare of animals, i.e. a vet. And they will offer a very intellectual argument, which will go on for days and days, as to why that person is more flawed than they are. And they will go on until they win in the argument.
The majority of vegans and vegetarians are happy that more and more people nowadays are turning towards that and are making radical changes in their lives, as we know now it is not sustainable for all of us to eat meat. However, when you met someone who has a total disregard for fellow humans, and will, in some cases, murder without any remorse whatsoever, or emotional abuse everyone they come across just for their own pleasure, they are annoyed with other people that are vegans and especially those who are clearly emphatic people. They will set out to try pick fault with anything they say. There intention is not for others to become as morally superior to them as it serves as a severe dent to their ego.
Also, just to add on after reading some of the previous comments. There was a few comments saying Hitler was a vegetarian, although we don't know this for sure, as some say the opposite.
However, before Hitler came into power, he was actually quite popular, not just with a lot of his of citizens, but also from other world leaders. So how would he gain this popularity? We'll I believe he would have talked about positive things first, one of these might have been vegetarianism, I don't know - but that's one example of why vegetarianism and Hitler is at the opposite ends of the spectrum of empathy.
Before I go on, please note - that there has been research on who might be more likely to go vegan or vegetarian, and it's people that are more likely to have a lot of empathy.
However, a dictator, such has Hitler, would not have used vegetarianism due to have a lot of empathy, rather it would have been a tool for him to use, manipulate, hide behind etc.
Another comment talked about a cannibal who was a vegetarian (I think I read it on another site actually, sorry) - However the person writing it, said that during the cannibals trial for murder and eating his victims - they found out that the reasons he did so was because he was a vegetarian and needed to eat meat, and that was the reason why he felt the need to kill and eat his victims.
However, I feel that this explanation gives too much of an emphatic stance of the mind of someone who could kill someone and then go on to eat them. Also, if this was the explanation that this cannibal gave, it shows that, although he admits to the killing (which he may not have done if they were lacking evidence), he is failing to take full responsibility, and also shows that he also lacked remorse. It's an explanation a psychopath would probably come up with.
And also, if a cannibal likes to eat his victims, of course he would tell his victims, and the rest of society, that he does not like to eat meat, and would empathise this so much that people would not see him as a threat.
Having said all this, about 1% of the population are diagnosed psychopathic, most of them don't get diagnosed - but if we go on the 1% figure, as a rough estimate, possibly, I assume, that there is only 1% of people who claim to be vegan who are using it for manipulation rather than the 99% who are doing it as they have a high level of empathy.
I feel that this 1% are more likely to be the most extreme vegans, and might easily be spotted on the web as the relentlessly pick apart other vegan's ethical stand point, and even if another vegan agrees with them, there words will get dismissed. Fake vegans who only use it to appear to be morally superior have an intense hatred for other vegans who are genuinely moral.
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