Professor Brian Ford suggested that Singapore could look at cultivating meat in labs - and this could help avoid diseases such as Mad cow disease, avian flu etc. He said this could allow vegetarians to eat meat without inhumane treatment of animals.
Maybe scientists are trying to help, or satisfy their curiosity of making cultured meat. Whatever the reason, I think it's just a waste of resources. Why should we spent so much effort, time and money on cultivating all this just to satisfy human palate when we can easily use them to aid those people who are suffering elsewhere? The money could be better spent to help them improve their lives. Besides, contrary to what a lot of people think, there are vegetarians who don't crave meat. People often think vegetarians are missing out the good taste of food, sacrificing in order to live their ideal lifestyle. It is not always the case. Meat has a certain decomposing smell which I don't like. The other day I went to the wet market, the smell was horrible. I can't imagine how I can stand eating meat in the past. So why would I desire cultivated meat?
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4 years ago
However absurd, sick, strange, un-natural or whatever you want to call this idea, it may actually be a good thing for the environment and the animals of the world. The artificial meat would be extremely cost-effective compared to even the most horrible factory farms and would rapidly put the majority of animal farms to rest on a purely economical basis. A number of more "ecological" farms, for picky meat-cravers would probably remain, but vat-grown meat may mean the end of institutionalized torture of billions of animals.
That said, I'm sure the meat industry will find a way to f**k things up as usual.
Hmm? Why would it be cost effective? Lots of $$ is being pumped into research to develop it, it may become more expensive?
Not only the meat industry...maybe even the consumers. I don't think a lot of people will want to eat something fake when there real stuff out there..
It sounds gross, if i have to choose, i think i prefer mock meat that's made from vegetables than some "mad" scientists' invention...
Sounds disgusting to me... :S
Gross: Yes, but so are animal factories, abnormal breeding programs and artificial growth hormones. That doesn´t stop people from buying the meat. The vat meat would be indistinguishable from real meat, and would potentially be more healthy since they can engineer the nutritional content.
Why cheap: No artificial insemination! No cleaning of barns! No washing of animals! No feeding! No veterinary bills! No heating/cooling of animal barns! No waste products (bones, skin, intestines etc, whatever that cannot be used elsewhere)! The costs of animal husbandry are higher than you think.
Yup.. agree totally. Which is why I never agree (now) that children should be fed meat now when my friend said IT IS A MUST! because she claim the child will not get enough nutrients. She probably didn't know abt how the animals are fed with hormones etc.
But I do still crave meat dishes, not because of the meat but because of the Chinese cuisine involved. If only I'd found any vegetarian dish with Char Siew gravy, I will not think of eating meat anymore. I feel that most vegetarian dishes taste just as good or even better than those originally cooked with meat. Hehe.. Anyone has any recipe for veg dishes with char siew type of gravy? Hehe...
hmm that's true, you have a point.
Char siew gravy? hmmm... interesting I may have, I take a look at the cookbook 1st :p
Hmmm, i remember buying a packet of mock char siew with gravy at Giants... might want to check it out.
Which Giant outlet? Thanks!!! :)
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