Friday, June 29, 2007

What's your ecological footprint?

How great is the impact you create on Mother Earth? Check out your impact here

Mine is 3.6 global hectares - if everyone live like me, we would need 2 planet Earths. I was curious and change the selection of the 1st question to the last option (Almost always - meat and eggs/dairy in almost every meal). Now the ecological footprint is 4.4 global hectares and 2.4 planet Earths will be needed if everyone live like that - that would be around 1/2 a planet more.

I was quite surprise at the small difference in the impact made by living vegan. But when I tried to choose the options of living a most inefficient lifestyle, I found that the total footprint of a vegan would be 92 global hectares and 20.7 planets, while living as a super meat and dairy person would make it 96 global hectares 21.6 planets - almost one whole planet extra. I guess it depends on the options you choose, though I don't get why there will be such a difference when only one category is changed.


Fredrik said...

I think you should take the numbers with a grain of salt. What's important is that a vegan lifestyle reduces the footprint quite a lot. Also, I guess the vegan diet is "averaged", meaning that they include a lot of food that is transported across the globe and food that may not be energy efficient. My guess is that carefully chosen, locally produced vegan food would remove the footprint drastically (and increase the general health, as well).

Jari (travelling-vegan) said...

Ugh, how scary, we'd need 3.8 planets if people were like me! :-O Although that'd go down to 2.6 if I stopped air travel, and 1.6 if I also moved to a smaller apt. Don't know why living in a big apt makes such a big difference, do they think I'd use the aircon and keep the lights on or something? I'll move out of there before heating times anyway... But really, have to switch to trains and a sailboat!!!

Fredrik said...

The sad thing is that you can not get below 1 planet without sacrificing a lot. Either we have to, or we must reduce the global population/improve energy efficiency.

Unknown said...

Nice link, I had to try it! The household is 2.6 hectares. I too am confused as to why housing costs 1.1 hectares?!? I was also dissapointed that they did not ask what percentage of food was grown in the garden. Still it is just a crude guide. Great link, thank you!

On the bee front, a well kept hive produces more honey than necessary for the bees survival, so taking 5 lb is not going to deprive them. Reputable keepers do not harvest honey in the first year of a colony, as that is when they need their reserves. I fully understand why most vegans boycott honey, and do so myself unless I can source it from a reputable beekeeper that I trust.
Thank you for dropping by the blog :), I thought you should know that you have inspired me to try making dumplings this week!

dreamy said...

Yes Eda, that makes sense.. transportation is quite inefficient..

That may be the case... or maybe it's more inefficient when it is built or smth...

I see, thanks for the explanation judith :) Chinese rice dumplings? I think it shouldn't be difficult if you have the recipe :) unfortunately I have got no recipes, only know how to eat, don't know how to make :p

KleoPatra said...

i think the world needs to think green, live vegan and pay attention to what is going on...

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