Volunteering is indeed interesting, you get to come across a lot of different people and situations. Today I went to Tampines library again and I met Emily who was also volunteering at the VSS booth. She revealed a very quick brownie recipe as we talked with a lady from the public. Here's the recipe.
Very quick raw brownie
Using a 200ml cup...
Grind 1 1/2 cup walnut, 8 dates, 1/3 cup carob, and 1 tsp water sequentially in food processor.
Add in 1/4 cup walnut shreds to the batter and press into container.
Put in the fridge (non-freeze compartment).
The lady has a daughter who dislike veggies, the girl is young but she can come up with reasons like "Plants are living". So I explained to her using the favourite "nervous system theory" as well as the "amount of plants fed to the animals" theory, hehe..
On another occasion, the video which was showing the slaughter of the horses and one horse, bleeding by the mouth was being hanged up by it's legs. Suddenly, the horse's face lunged towards the screen, and it scared a teenage girl and she went "eee..eee..yucks!" and ran up the stairs. I hope instead of nightmares, it has allow her reflect about the conditions animals faced everyday.
There was also a booth where the public can borrow the vegetarian cookbooks from the library, and I am glad to see that some of the cookbooks were picked up. The public's responses were very good, and we got a lot of positive feedback with quite a few people saying it should also be shown in other places.
A rather new cafe at Fortune Center
4 years ago
What is carob?
Also, no baking is needed??
It's a powder ground from the carob pod - it's a substitute for chocolate as it has no caffeine, but if u dun mind the caffeine, I think it can't really go wrong to substitute it with cocoa powder :)
if i use cocoa poweder, then do I have to bake it?
you can be adventurous and try? juz make a little and see how it turns out? hehe... I didn't try b4, but this was what my friend told me :)
Hehe.. when i have some free time I will...
I sort of tried this... and blogged the results. Thanks! :-)
Hey Jari.. U didn't follow the recipe at all! haha...
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