I think this is more than sufficient to show that animals do not just behave instinctively, have no emotion, and are meant to be meat and milk machines to serve us. No doubt some people do not even have gratitude like this cow.
A rather new cafe at Fortune Center
4 years ago
Wow, RJ... this is one powerful message, thks for sharing :)
I find it frustrating that people fail to see that animals do have emotions. I suppose it is a defense mechanism to keep them from facing the harsh reality that eating animals is, in effect, a sort of cannibalism.
I love this! I'm so glad you posted it.
Come on, that is just daft.. just looks like the poor cow is really weak & exhausted & collapsed!
Of course animals have emotions, but def would not express gratefulness as a bow..!
um, this cow is clearly starving and weak, and likely is simply unable to stand up completely. While it is a fact that animals show their affecton, the bow is not something an animal would do... nuzzle, yes, but bow -- nah.
This is so powerful. I love it. By the way, I reallly like your blog.
The two anonymous comments are from idiots. Obviously!
I'm a vegan, and that cow is clearly sick. The people who commented aren't crazy.
I had a rabbit once who literally stayed in prayer position for HOURS right in front of a picture of Jeshua in the same position! He just sat there on his haunches with his arms extended and folded as if in prayer. I didn't know what he was doing at first until I saw the picture leaned up against the wall that he was sitting 6 inches away from. It was so beautiful.
I know that in my interactions with all kinds of animals that when you make the effort to communicate, so do they. I try to use their body language to get through to them, and seriously, they do the same with me.I feel sad that everyone can't experience this. Because I feel that if they could, no one would ever even think about torturing and killing them.
Until you earn the right to enter their world, you just won't know. Respect is the key to the kingdom. Respect as an equal. Different yet similar. Exactly the same in our desire for safety and love, and the ability to feel gratitude.
Yes this cow is weak. But I have seen the position cows take when they are weak. This ain't it.
Mmmmm, delicious kneeling.
This cow must prefer to die maybe ... I'm vegan but hey ! Take a moment to ask yourself what this animal is really feeling ...!
It's not saying thank you !
Stop believe stupid thing, people ...
Lunatec; you are a moron. A rabbit does not pray. It has no concept of religion let alone who the f***k Jeshua is! Religion is a man made method of mind control responsible throughout the centuries for more human murder through war; as well as animal murder through sacrifice, than could ever be correctly recorded. If you truly believe this to be true then with veganism comes lunatism. This animal is in pain and would be better off served on a plate than it is in it's sorry state in this phoograph. Seriously, how in-tune can you profess to be with the animal kingdom if you cannot read the true message in this image?! You're probably typing this on a leather couch. Muppet.
Wow! So much negative energy from the commenters! Personally I like the photo from the idea that nature and God are interconnected. I think that humans are the only species that can rationalize things to suit their own whims. Other species simply do what they do and act/react in a more objective way.
There is the possibility that the photo was snapped as the cow was either lying down or getting up. This just happened to be in the kneeling position when the photo was taken.
gee whiz...
Anonymous is a wuss. That's why he's anonymous.
Religion and gratitude are not the same animal. Idiot. You might want to take a course in reading because clearly you don't do it very well. Animals observe our behaviour and imitate it. They learn quickly what pleases us and what doesn't.
My rabbit wasn't in church during a religious ceremony. He was in trance with a portrait of Jeshua at Gethsemane and he imitated the posture and zoned out for hours. I was there you weren't. Who are you to say?
It's sad to me that you have never witnessed animals doing such things. It's sad that even such a story would fill you with so much rage.
If this cow were too weak to stand, don't you think it would be laying down? Do you honestly think it's easier to put your head on the ground with your back legs straight like that than it is to just buckle down? Think!
You're the moron. Stop projecting onto others what belongs to you.
Also, cows in this country are bloated artificially. Healthy cows are much thinner than American cows. Google it. Read. Maybe you'll learn something. It may be over your head but give it a shot. Check out photos of healthy cows in other countries. They aren't that much heavier than this one.
I love this picture. Although it can be argued on why the cow is bowing, I feel that the message it is expressing is much more powerful. Animals are alive and they have feelings. They feel pain just as humans feel pain and if more people realized this then I am sure there would be a lot less meat eaters in our world.
ok for all morons who write stupid comments im a sri lankan buddhist. this is just a one photo taken when freeing from slauhter there are hundreds of occations like this untaken in pictures.
animals are same as all living beings we are living beings we born according to what we do and did in our life. to born as a human you need merits but being human is not eternal life is a cycle u die and reborn. ill just let u some other pictures too because this isnt the only one pic
This cow looks very skinny and emaciated out. So it is very likely that it does so from exhaustion. Everything is not always as it seems to be.
My Cat also bows and greets me like dogs do. It wags tail when happy, in contrast to other cats.
I notice that my cat always watch the behaviors of dogs in the road by crawling under the gate.
It is amazing to find the level of intelligence and logical thinking of animals, if we have time to observe them with empathy and with open minds.
I feel sorry for this sick and/or injured animal that is struggling to stand up. Don't be fooled: this animal is not bowing (in the sense that we know) it is suffering. Animals are not 4 legged humans, no matter how much you wish they were.
I find it frustrating that so many people look at this picture and get a warm fuzzy feeling. That animal is in pain.
Every life deserve to be respected.
Another pregnant cow saved by a monk, and knelt down to thanks the monk
"July 22, 2013 in Taiwan Haitao Master Kinmen Island to save twenty head of cattle , including a pregnant cow actually knelt down to give thanks to Master , Master left the cow immediately got up ."
I couldn't agree more.
From Bangalore, Karnataka we went for Swimming Championship including Ocean Swimming. I made it a point to meet this Venerable Monk. I was lucky to stay in his Monastery for three days. Now on 25th January 2017 all my 25 swimmer friends wish to meet him.
I need the address of that Monastery.
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